Capacity Building
Under Saakshar Bharat Programme, Zila Lok Shiksha Samiti being the implementing agency for literacy program in the district, it is essential that a common understanding and vision is shared by all its members and functionaries at all levels. To achieve this, capacity building is taken up by SRC at various levels that include:
* Orientation of the core group members,
* Training of full timers, resource persons
* Model trainings conducted for master trainers and even preraks as per need.
Training methodology used is participatory in nature and based on experiential learning. Several training materials and modules have been designed for different levels of functionaries to enrich their knowledge and enhance their skills for efficient management and implementation of the literacy program in all its phases from basic literacy to continuing education. An innovative project was also taken up for capacity building of Preraks. A distance education approach was adopted using monthly dispatches and periodic personal contact programs. This approach was well received and its results were encouraging. Supportive monitoring is conducted in the districts from time to time which helps the ZLSS to redefine its plan of action and the approaches to further enhance the effectiveness of the program. Capacity building of functionaries of NGOs/Institutions is also takenup on demand. The area of capacity building for these organizations broadly include trainings on life skills education, PRA, ToT for SHGs, ToT on Training skills etc.